
SA OpenProject 102开始报名 | 單車橋 Fahrradbrücke

SA StudioAlpha大巧筑人 2022-03-24



Studio Alpha 每月不定期推出国际设计竞赛或者由SA老师自命题的Open Project供同学们来充实自己的作品集。涉猎范围包含建筑、景观、城市设计。为了鼓励大家的互相协作,并提升学生的主观能动性,竞赛都以1-4人组队报名为单位。SA的竞赛或者Open Project 对于每个学生都可以公平报名申请,老师选拔合适的同学参与。历时从2周至6周不等,只针对SA学员,大多数在使用一对一课时兑换后即可免费参加。SA每年生源有40%来自老八校,15%来自欧美院校,45%来自国内重点大学。学员间自由组队,和志同道合、旗鼓相当的小伙伴们一起参与OP设计。

过去一年,SA为19Fall学员开设了41个Open Project。截至2019年10月8日,SA今年已经上线了41个专属20Fall学员的OPSA自4月24日起开始发布Open Project Plus (OP+),在OP+的设计讨论中邀请世界上最活跃的相关领域的前沿学者或工作者,顶尖的院校教职人员来进行Guest Critic,并与同学交流。SA OP系列是我们邀请相关设计领域的最优秀学者和从业者为给同学设计和作品集水平加分的专题小班课程,我们希望需要的同学都能找到最适合自己的OP,所以在每个OP开始前都会有个双向选择的过程,帮助我们控制OP队伍的构成以获得最佳产出。

更多信息请点击SA专题竞赛 | 我们只做你想不到的

OpenProject 102



Riding a bicycle is the summit of human endeavour - an almost neutral environmental effect coupled with the ability to travel substantial distances without disturbing anybody. The bike is the perfect marriage of technology and human energy.

——Jeremy Corbyn

You don't know how good you are until you actually get out on a bike and get riding.

——Laura Trott



Civilizations were made when humans were able to mobilize large distances. Fast-forwarding this to the current era, where science and technology have spread immensely, mobility and transportation are now easier than ever. The places we live in are becoming larger in scale every day and to mobilize people, transportation had to evolve with it.

Cities began to be reshaped more harshly to serve the growing need of vehicles, urban planning of cities were dominated by transport centric designs. Consequently leaving no space for the pedestrians and cyclists, where human activities took place majorly, at a much slower pace.

On the contrary, some places that did not want cars to define their city streets and brought a permanent change.

Infrastructure beyond human-scale in Houston. 

Tim Leviston/Getty Images

Build up

Cities like Copenhagen (Denmark), Amsterdam, Utrecht (Netherlands), have changed this norm altogether, by adapting the model of bicycling as primary means of transport and establishing a culture that has survived for more than 50 years. They have ingrained cycling as a habit among its residents, where people of all age and class ride a bicycle to work, school, college.

Cycling is now a symbol of many things and its benefits are not limited to health and the environment. It has helped in building a society that promotes social equality, freedom and had revolutionized women empowerment in the 18th Century.

The number of cyclists in these cities is growing, and to support this, urban planners have been building cyclist bridges and routes, to develop physical cycling infrastructure all over the country.

While there are cities like these making a change, where do we stand?

A bike rider in Copenhagen. Max Adulyanukosol


When tourists, migrants, International students get an opportunity to visit or stay in cities like Copenhagen and others, they witness the cycling culture. This experience is unmatched and entirely different from what they have seen all their lives.

As we strive towards modes of transportation that increase the ease and speed of travel, we continuously look for better options. In such a scenario, where change is perpetual, we have to switch to greener choices i.e. bicycles, which are a symbol of moving towards a sustainable city.

To trickle the culture of cycling all around the world, more than just urban infrastructure is needed. A facility that enhances the experience of tourists/ visitors and students altogether can intrigue them to take something back with them.

How do we attain this?

Canal in Amsterdam. UNI. 2019


To be able to live in cities with an atmosphere that is dense and getting polluted, the shift to sustainable options in all fronts is a necessity. Adapting from cities with prevailing a bike culture, can give a unique experience for the visitors that promotes cycling worldwide. It can be a starting point for tourism and exploration within the city and inculcate the habit of cycling that they can continue back home.


The challenge here is to design a bridge for pedestrian and cycling that is not limited in its absolute function. It must utilize the bridge as a powerful public space as well as a pioneer for tourists or first-time cyclists to explore the city.

A bridge that usually serves a single purpose of cutting the travel time between two destinations can be explored for more. In urban areas that are already condensed with built structures, a functional bridge can be a turning point in shaping architectural experiments.

Bicycle Architecture Biennale 2019, Amsterdam


Copenhagen, Denmark’s capital, sits on the coastal islands of Zealand and Amager. It was originally a viking fishing village established in 10th Century. The city is known to be one of the most sustainable cities in the world, efficiently working towards climate change through its transportation & town planning. After the oil crisis in 1973 and increased number of road accidents due to motor vehicles, Danish population cumulatively promoted and demanded the use of Bicycles and have been using it ever since. Establishing a 100 years long bicycling culture across the city which was actively supported by government and urban planners of the city.

Copenhagen. Febiyan. 2019

The location for the C Bridge is chosen across the Port of Copenhagen in Denmark, approximately 100 m in length and in close proximity to the Knipples Bridge. With rich public spaces and community centers across both the sides of the site makes the location appropriate for enhancing public life with a unique architectural intervention. The marked range would be the volume of intervention for fulfilling programmatic requirements and the central portion of minimum 25 m must be openable, to allow passage of ships, boats etc.

Area: 150 m2

Height Limit : 15 m

Site Coordinates: 55°40'31.9"N 12° 35'22.8"E

Openable Passageway Width : 25m

UNI. 2019

The “Copenhagen Cycle Cove” is an attempt for an architectural experiment that has never been seen before. However, the intervention for this structure is restricted to approximately 37.7 m from both the ends. This is done to enable a passageway for boats, ships etc making it openable. Technical details associated with the functioning of the opening mechanism are not under the scope of this competition. The type of openable design used is subjective to each participant’s design entry and has no restrictions. The section above shows the buildable span of the bridge to be measured from both ends of the canal and the functional representation of the streetscape along the waterfront.

UNI. 2019

本次OP单车桥题目来源于正在进行的The City Link竞赛。https://competitions.uni.xyz/the-city-link. 竞赛针对景观建筑和建筑学及相关专业的学生。现代人类生境因为交通运输的革命而无线扩大,城市设计也沦为汽车交通设计的附属产物(TOD etc.) 哥本哈根,阿姆斯特丹等城市保留了近半个世纪的骑单车传统,人们汽车上班上学出去玩。单车交通亦从更深层的意义上帮助塑造当代社会:社会平等,女权等等。TCL意在提出一个步行和单车桥,目的不只是让人快速骑车通过,而是作为一种强壮的公共空间,并让旅客体验城市,并把骑行城市的美好体验带回自己住的地方。






UNI. 2019


竞赛本身要求:A maximum of 4 boards / sheets. – [ 2362px x 3544px ] or [ 400mm x 600mm in 150 dpi ] in portrait digital format (JPEG).


You have to deliver an architectural outcome on the following site, based on the given outlines.

• A maximum of 4 boards / sheets. – [ 2362px x 3544px ] or [ 400mm x 600mm in 150 dpi ] in portrait digital format (JPEG).

• Each image should be less than 15MB

• You can find the preset PSD, AI and INDD template files in the ‘additional resources folder’ and here

This additional resources folder contains: FAQ Questions, High Res maps, and CAD file of the site plan. Minimum requisites in the sheets are 3 sheets/boards + Cover image containing:

• Site plan (Compulsory)

• Key conceptual sections x 1 (Minimum)

• 3D views x 4

• Cover image/Thumbnail of size 2000 x 1000 px or larger in aspect ratio 2:1.

• Floor plans, images, sketches (if any) can be added to support the entry in the form of additional images. 

• Answer 6 FAQ questions in the discussion section as given on the ‘additional resources folder’.


Submission Deadline: February 08, 2020

Submission closes this day.

Public Voting begins: February 18, 2020

Submitted entries are open for voting.

Public Voting ends: March 10, 2020

Voting ends on this date.

Result Announcement: March 20, 2020

Result day!


Santiago Calatrava.Petah-Tikva Footbridge

Safavid dynasty. Khaju Bridge (Isfahan, Iran)






Week 1

1st Class: 开题讲座 + 案例分析

2nd Class: 提出场地分析和概念,确定大方向

Week 2

3rd Class: 概念深化

4th Class: 概念深化+方案初步生成

Week 3

5th Class: 中期评图

6th Class: 方案深化

Week 4

7th Class: 方案深化

8th Class: 出图评图 + 提交方案




SA常驻面授老师,已有5年SA教学经验。东南大学景观本科,宾大景观研究生毕业,曾任职于AECOM, DC的Lee and Associates。在芝加哥的Wolff Landscape Architecture专门负责研究设计微尺度的屋顶生态花园。曾在津巴布韦和孟加拉国做研究。除了设计,相信时间管理和了解听众也很重要。擅长区域尺度规划与身体尺度的总体思路,把经济,生态和场地行结合。梦想着把穷地方和孩子变富足,用景观城市化的方式! 在孟加拉国首都达卡的城市更新研究:Dhaka Tannery Transformation,入围ASLA Analysis And Planning Category,研究成果被收录于Alluvium: Dhaka, Bangladesh, in the Crossroads of Water。2013年与David Gouverneur团队在津巴布韦首都Harare进行人类状况调研,并对城市边缘地带进行了总体的城市和经济模型设计。



SA OpenProject+ 72 | 莫干山路51号


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SA Open Project 21 | IFLA18 韧性景观




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